How Do You Show Up for Your Business as the Rare One or Old Soul?

The Zone of Purpose™ Podcast

Virginia James Rating 0 (0) (0) Launched: Jul 02, 2024 Season: 2 Episode: 14
Support Wise Woman Magic Over Toxic Bro-Culture

The Zone of Purpose™ Podcast
How Do You Show Up for Your Business as the Rare One or Old Soul?
Jul 02, 2024, Season 2, Episode 14
Virginia James
Episode Summary

Welcome to episode 14, where hustling takes a seat and your soul's magic rises! Today we're talking about being the rare one, or Old Soul, in business and life. ✨

I'm an INFJ, basically one of the rarest personality types. Go figure! And to be honest, it can be hard to communicate and do business sometimes, regardless if it’s about how I say what I do or how I operate. So, let's chat about ways I've learned how to navigate business as an Old Soul in case it helps you!


Here are the tips or suggestions specific to this episode:

1. Craft a sacred space if you can, or a location or structure that feels sacred for your unique way of being

2. When you read the room, in person or virtually, you get to decide how you lean in

3. We have to determine how much truth-telling we do, as a part of this world and a business owner


Reflection time: what are your biggest struggles in business or building one as an Old Soul or intuitive being? Want some help navigating your business launch or doing it with soul? 🦄


Instead of working harder for your dream, take an aligned breath and work wiser. Get started and settle in. ⤵️

The Soul Seeds™ Guide can be done in one weekend and help you start to find your calling and heart's song.

Client love: “I…love that meditation to pieces and it was a soul-full way to sit with myself and open up exploring what my business could look like if I trusted myself…”  ❤️‍🔥


About This Space:

Where hustling takes a seat and your soul's magic rises. Here you'll find content that supports you as you craft a business from your wise woman calling and bring your purpose to life. Why? Because the toxic bro culture is f*g outdated and we're magical unicorns. Enough said. So, instead of working harder for your dream, take an aligned breath and work wiser!

~Your GPS 🦄

(Guided Personal Sage) 


PS) Leave a comment below if this resonates for you or you can watch the video of this Weekly Wisdom and share your experiences there! And let's connect on FSWLinkedIn, or Pinterest as well!

Estimated listening time: just under six minutes and the music credit for our podcast intro and outro is Rockot's AMALGAM on Pixabay.

#womanownedbusiness #lgbtbusiness #smallbusinessowner #soul #soulbusiness #zoneofpurpose

Episode Chapters
The Zone of Purpose™ Podcast
How Do You Show Up for Your Business as the Rare One or Old Soul?
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Welcome to episode 14, where hustling takes a seat and your soul's magic rises! Today we're talking about being the rare one, or Old Soul, in business and life. ✨

I'm an INFJ, basically one of the rarest personality types. Go figure! And to be honest, it can be hard to communicate and do business sometimes, regardless if it’s about how I say what I do or how I operate. So, let's chat about ways I've learned how to navigate business as an Old Soul in case it helps you!


Here are the tips or suggestions specific to this episode:

1. Craft a sacred space if you can, or a location or structure that feels sacred for your unique way of being

2. When you read the room, in person or virtually, you get to decide how you lean in

3. We have to determine how much truth-telling we do, as a part of this world and a business owner


Reflection time: what are your biggest struggles in business or building one as an Old Soul or intuitive being? Want some help navigating your business launch or doing it with soul? 🦄


Instead of working harder for your dream, take an aligned breath and work wiser. Get started and settle in. ⤵️

The Soul Seeds™ Guide can be done in one weekend and help you start to find your calling and heart's song.

Client love: “I…love that meditation to pieces and it was a soul-full way to sit with myself and open up exploring what my business could look like if I trusted myself…”  ❤️‍🔥


About This Space:

Where hustling takes a seat and your soul's magic rises. Here you'll find content that supports you as you craft a business from your wise woman calling and bring your purpose to life. Why? Because the toxic bro culture is f*g outdated and we're magical unicorns. Enough said. So, instead of working harder for your dream, take an aligned breath and work wiser!

~Your GPS 🦄

(Guided Personal Sage) 


PS) Leave a comment below if this resonates for you or you can watch the video of this Weekly Wisdom and share your experiences there! And let's connect on FSWLinkedIn, or Pinterest as well!

Estimated listening time: just under six minutes and the music credit for our podcast intro and outro is Rockot's AMALGAM on Pixabay.

#womanownedbusiness #lgbtbusiness #smallbusinessowner #soul #soulbusiness #zoneofpurpose

Speaker A [00:00:04]:
Hey. It's Virginia James with the weekly wisdom. I am here. It's Monday. We are back, and I'm excited. So let's discuss something today about being the rarity or the rare 1. Okay? And this isn't to say that I'm better than you, you're better than me, we're just different. That's just how it works.

Speaker A [00:00:21]:
And I know the phrase is what? Be the black sheep in the family? I like being the tie dye 1. Okay? So you get to decide how you show up in this world. But 1 thing I wanted to discuss today is something a little bit more vulnerable, but it does matter in terms of doing soulful work and soulful business. Okay. So long time ago, I took, the Myers Briggs, and I am an INFJ. Now some folks actually, don't put a lot of stock into that. Some put, you know, more stock into a disc assessment, color assessment. What else is out there? Human design, their astrology, their sign, etcetera.

Speaker A [00:00:57]:
So point is you do you. Now I will say over the years, that it hasn't changed. Actually, I might it might have gotten worse. But ultimately, I was looking at some of these, you know, details recently about how to, you know, how we show up in this world as kind of rare ones and, it's like check, check, check, check. It all resonated. So it made me think of doing business with Soul, which is what we're about here and, bringing our purpose to life, etcetera. So when you are kind of rare, 1 thing I've recognized it is really friggin' hard how to communicate what you do. I actually think that's hard for any business owner, especially on the front end, while you're trying to figure things out, while you're trying to figure out your messaging, who you cater to, who are your champion community members and clientele.

Speaker A [00:01:47]:
Right? So I think, like, that really does matter. And I don't care what personality type you are. It's hard to put yourself out there sometimes, I guess, unless you're, like, super confident. Good job. Good job. But, you know, I was thinking too about this aspect of being kind of an INFJ and noises, distractions, all of that are hell for me. They're hell. And so 1 thing I'll say is if you're kind of like me, you know, or you need some sacred space, try to craft a sacred space as much as you can.

Speaker A [00:02:15]:
Now we all don't have it. Sometimes we live in very small apartments or homes or we don't have 1 or we're between things or moving blah blah blah. So my point is try to have a sacred space and what that means to you the best you can. Okay? And I know some people use, what's that noise cancelling headphones or I actually put on music that's not distracting. It doesn't have lyrics to it. It just has more of a rhythm and it kind of keeps me focused, if I need to drown out the dogs like earlier this morning. Okay. Another thing that we're really good at is, reading the room and sometimes this is virtual too it isn't just in person especially after the pandemic and things like that.

Speaker A [00:02:57]:
So when you are the type that can read a room, sense the feelings, really understand what's really happening you get a chance to determine how you dare I say sorry if this doesn't resonate with anyone but how you basically lean in. How do you lean in? Okay? And I think that needs to be nurtured because there's some times I leave my video off. Some people get it. Some people tease me about it. But some people get it. They're like, it's just Virginia's Way. I'll leave a video off. I'll keep myself off mute especially because I have the dogs.

Speaker A [00:03:35]:
Right? So like you get to show up. You get to read the room. You get to hold space for you. That's what we have to for ourselves as well as others. Okay. Alright. What else are we talking about today? Oh, this 1. This 1 is good.

Speaker A [00:03:49]:
Number 3. Okay. I don't know if you have this struggle. I do. I have this struggle. So, like, if you're trying to explain to others essentially what you're maybe sensing about the situation, we're talking about reading the room, right, reading other folks, well, sometimes even though people want the truth, they don't want the truth. Right? So we have to determine how much truth telling we actually do, And this isn't, again, just for INFJs or, you know, like, however you show up in this world. This is as a business owner too.

Speaker A [00:04:22]:
Right? Now I get to say how I show up in the world and if people resonate with that great if they don't great that's it that's okay because soul clients are soul clients they will find me They're gonna find you. So, anyway, I just, like, I would love to know more. I know there's some INFJs that follow me or work with me, and so I'd love to know more about when you're feeling so fucking rare in the world anyway, and then you're like, god, I have to show up for a business? What the how do I do that? Right? You know, especially if we're very introverted or private or we're just trying to navigate just this world in general, let alone doing business with it. Okay. So I'd love to know what your biggest struggles are, maybe as that INFJ, that rarity, the intuitive wise woman, the old soul. You label it however you wanna label it. Okay. What are your biggest struggles? And then we can talk about it further.

Speaker A [00:05:13]:
Okay. Alright. I hope you have a beautiful week ahead and we have our next moon cycle coming up. New Moon's coming up so I'm excited for that. Alright, you have a great day, bright blessings on you, and you're doing a great job.

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