What Would You Get Up at 2:45 in the Morning for?

The Zone of Purpose™ Podcast

Virginia James (she/her/LGBTQ+) Rating 0 (0) (0)
www.femininesagewisdom.com/ Launched: Jul 19, 2024
theteam@femininesagewisdom.com Season: 2 Episode: 16
Support Wise Woman Magic Over Toxic Bro-Culture

The Zone of Purpose™ Podcast
What Would You Get Up at 2:45 in the Morning for?
Jul 19, 2024, Season 2, Episode 16
Virginia James (she/her/LGBTQ+)
Episode Summary

Welcome to a quick episode 16, where hustling takes a seat and your soul's magic rises!

If you’re thinking of shifting from the Job-Job Realm into the Soul-Full Business Realm let’s keep the overwhelm from becoming too heavy. So, today we're talking about passion, interest, and engagement, via one question:

What would you get up wicked early for or stay up late for? I understand, too, that not everyone can do this, so we’ll honor that.


In today’s episode, we’re going over some starter points about shifting into soul-full work. We need to think about you, your people, and money. ✨


Here are the tips or suggestions I share:

1. Shows what you’re dedicated to and what you feel connected to

2. What does your rebel soul want to do in life or what sings to your rebel soul?

3. Who are your people or your community? Or communities? And what do they bring to you and why?

4. What aligns with you in activities and offers, or your work, and what’s aligned in making money from it?

Think on this and start leaning forward into what calls or sings to you!


Instead of working harder for your dream, take an aligned breath and work wiser. Get started and settle in. ⤵️

The Soul Seeds™ Guide can be done in one weekend and help you start to find your calling and heart's song.

Client love: “I…love that meditation to pieces and it was a soul-full way to sit with myself and open up exploring what my business could look like if I trusted myself…”  ❤️‍🔥


About This Space:

Where hustling takes a seat and your soul's magic rises. Here you'll find content that supports you as you craft a business from your wise woman calling and bring your purpose to life. Why? Because the toxic bro culture is f*g outdated and we're magical unicorns. Enough said. So, instead of working harder for your dream, take an aligned breath and work wiser!

~Your GPS 🦄

(Guided Personal Sage) 


PS) Leave a comment below if this resonates for you or you can watch the video of this Weekly Wisdom and share your experiences there! And let's connect on FSWLinkedIn, or Pinterest as well!

Estimated listening time: just under four minutes and the music credit for our podcast intro and outro is Rockot's AMALGAM on Pixabay.

#womanownedbusiness #lgbtbusiness #smallbusinessowner #soul #soulbusiness #zoneofpurpose

Episode Chapters
The Zone of Purpose™ Podcast
What Would You Get Up at 2:45 in the Morning for?
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00:00:00 |

Welcome to a quick episode 16, where hustling takes a seat and your soul's magic rises!

If you’re thinking of shifting from the Job-Job Realm into the Soul-Full Business Realm let’s keep the overwhelm from becoming too heavy. So, today we're talking about passion, interest, and engagement, via one question:

What would you get up wicked early for or stay up late for? I understand, too, that not everyone can do this, so we’ll honor that.


In today’s episode, we’re going over some starter points about shifting into soul-full work. We need to think about you, your people, and money. ✨


Here are the tips or suggestions I share:

1. Shows what you’re dedicated to and what you feel connected to

2. What does your rebel soul want to do in life or what sings to your rebel soul?

3. Who are your people or your community? Or communities? And what do they bring to you and why?

4. What aligns with you in activities and offers, or your work, and what’s aligned in making money from it?

Think on this and start leaning forward into what calls or sings to you!


Instead of working harder for your dream, take an aligned breath and work wiser. Get started and settle in. ⤵️

The Soul Seeds™ Guide can be done in one weekend and help you start to find your calling and heart's song.

Client love: “I…love that meditation to pieces and it was a soul-full way to sit with myself and open up exploring what my business could look like if I trusted myself…”  ❤️‍🔥


About This Space:

Where hustling takes a seat and your soul's magic rises. Here you'll find content that supports you as you craft a business from your wise woman calling and bring your purpose to life. Why? Because the toxic bro culture is f*g outdated and we're magical unicorns. Enough said. So, instead of working harder for your dream, take an aligned breath and work wiser!

~Your GPS 🦄

(Guided Personal Sage) 


PS) Leave a comment below if this resonates for you or you can watch the video of this Weekly Wisdom and share your experiences there! And let's connect on FSWLinkedIn, or Pinterest as well!

Estimated listening time: just under four minutes and the music credit for our podcast intro and outro is Rockot's AMALGAM on Pixabay.

#womanownedbusiness #lgbtbusiness #smallbusinessowner #soul #soulbusiness #zoneofpurpose

Speaker A [00:00:03]:
Welcome to

Speaker B [00:00:03]:
the Zone of Purpose podcast where the fucking girl culture takes a seat, and we do business from your wise woman calling and your soul's magic.

Speaker A [00:00:15]:
How was your weekend? First of all, ours was good. It was full, but, you know, it's okay. That's how life goes sometimes. So, let's get into today's topic. And I have to admit, I've had to start this thing over a few times because I've been up since 2:40 this morning. And the reason is because, this week, I'm attending another pride conference, and it's work pride. It's through my g work. If you want, I'll drop the link if you wanna attend because it's going through Friday, I think.

Speaker A [00:00:44]:
And I'm really, really excited for it. I've heard a lot, good panels, good discussions. So the reason why I woke up so freaking early is because where I live on the West Coast in the States, like, it was, like, started at 3 AM. I'm a morning person, but I'm not, like, that kind of morning person. So I'm a little I'm kinda dragging a little bit by now. Not gonna lie. So but like usual, these personal stories or professional stories, let's discuss them in the weekly wisdom. Okay, so number 1, there's gonna be like a few different questions here if I remember them all, but number 1, what would you get up for at 2:40 in the morning? Just curious about that.

Speaker A [00:01:25]:
Or if you're my night owls, what would you stay up for till 2:40 in the morning? How about that on the other end? We're inclusive around here. I ask because that shows really what you're dedicated to. And, no, I don't mean the hustle culture. I I just mean, like, what you feel connected to, what you feel aligned with. And these are my people. These are my people. LGBT plus people are my family. That's how it works.

Speaker A [00:01:52]:
So the reality is, like, I don't mind doing it, not weeks on end, but, like, for this week, it works. It works. Okay? The other thing I've got a question about is what really does your rebel soul want to do in life, or what sings to your rebel soul? And I know I say that a lot around here, but this is, like, one of those questions I ask because if you're in an org right now or you're in hierarchical toxicity and bullshit, frankly, or you are still trying to navigate what your deepest purpose or purposes are, this is why I asked that question. K? If you need some help clarifying that a little bit, here's a follow-up. What community or communities, maybe top 2 or 3, do you really deeply align with? Who are your people? I'm hanging out with my people at 3 in the freaking morning because it's, like, you know, really kinda more based in, like, the London time zone. So I'm hanging out, and we're coming in from across the world. So who's your people? Are they global? Are they local? Are they both? What does that look like? K. And what do they bring to you and why? That's like a little PS sub questions on there.

Speaker A [00:03:05]:
Community, if you ever want clientele in the future, what do they bring to you? What do you bring to them? K? This is reciprocity. That's the new age that's coming, hopefully soon ish. So community, think on that rebel soul song. We'll call it that way. Think on that. K? And then the final question I have for you is what activity or activities could you align with that, sorry. Got that mixed up. My brain, again, I might need a little bit more tea.

Speaker A [00:03:35]:
What aligns with you, sorry, in activities, offers, doing work, however you want to call this. Freya is right in the in the tree area with me. But number 2, what is aligned with this work that makes you feel good about making money from it? K. We have to talk about money. We have to talk about money as business owners. We have to talk about money even though we're soulful business owners. This is an important discussion to have. Okay? So if you're kind of thinking of shifting from that job job realm into the soulful business realm, think on these things.

Speaker A [00:04:09]:
Think about what sings to your rebellious soul, okay? Think about the community or the people that you love, the people you'd stay up late for or get up early for, with boundaries. Right? We like those too. K. What would you be able to do that feels good for making money in? Earning your living. K? And, why wait? That's my last question. That's, like, 5 questions today. Not bad. But if you ever need help with this, you I have plenty of things that can get you started.

Speaker A [00:04:41]:
But always leave a comment. Let me know. Does this resonate? Do you want more tips? Do you want more insight into this? Because I've got a whole bank of ideas up here, from what I've seen and bore witness to, from various women and femmes on Linkedin or just, you know, in my circles. I wanna know what sings to you. And, I will talk to you later. Okay? Y'all have a beautiful week ahead. Remember these few questions, these little nudges? And I'll talk to you soon.

Speaker B [00:05:08]:
Doing life and business with soul is where it's at. And if you wanna get started, grab your soul seeds guide. It's under $40 and can be done in a weekend. And don't forget, my friend, it's time to align with your calling.

Speaker A [00:05:20]:
However you do it, ditch

Speaker B [00:05:21]:
the hustle and bring your soul's magic to life.

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