You Asked: Here are 3 Ways I Resist the Naysayers

The Zone of Purpose™ Podcast

Virginia James Rating 0 (0) (0) Launched: Feb 01, 2024 Season: 2 Episode: 3
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The Zone of Purpose™ Podcast
You Asked: Here are 3 Ways I Resist the Naysayers
Feb 01, 2024, Season 2, Episode 3
Virginia James
Episode Summary

A viewer asked after the last Weekly Wisdom tip for some steps, or ideas, on how to work with naysayers. So, let's dive into it! First, just know that these are my methods and you'll find what works for you.

In this episode you’ll hear the three approaches I use:

🌙 Coming back to you, to root yourself, even with the feelings
🌙 Contemplate and reflect on why the barbs or "negativity" feels personal to you
🌙 Recognize why this goal, journey, idea, etc. is precious to you and protect the hell out of it
🌙 Plus one little bonus tip at the end about community

Leave a comment here or on our Blog if this resonates for you or watch the latest WW video.

Don't know how to bulk up the courage and confidence to make the impact you want to make? Go to FSW for a snapshot of free resources, products, and services!

What do we do at FSW? We're a guide for intuitive, changemaker women and help them remember their inner wisdom, increase self-trust, and so much more! Join us to zone with soul and make the world a better place.

Estimated listening time: 10 minutes and music credit for our podcast intro and outro is Oleksii Kaplunskyi (Lesfm) on Pixabay, Forest Lullaby.


PS) In this episode and the WW video on YouTube, I mentioned an outstanding video sorceress. Follow Natacha Guyot, Ph.D., if you need video help! She's got a freebie that could be useful for you here.

Episode Chapters
The Zone of Purpose™ Podcast
You Asked: Here are 3 Ways I Resist the Naysayers
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00:00:00 |

A viewer asked after the last Weekly Wisdom tip for some steps, or ideas, on how to work with naysayers. So, let's dive into it! First, just know that these are my methods and you'll find what works for you.

In this episode you’ll hear the three approaches I use:

🌙 Coming back to you, to root yourself, even with the feelings
🌙 Contemplate and reflect on why the barbs or "negativity" feels personal to you
🌙 Recognize why this goal, journey, idea, etc. is precious to you and protect the hell out of it
🌙 Plus one little bonus tip at the end about community

Leave a comment here or on our Blog if this resonates for you or watch the latest WW video.

Don't know how to bulk up the courage and confidence to make the impact you want to make? Go to FSW for a snapshot of free resources, products, and services!

What do we do at FSW? We're a guide for intuitive, changemaker women and help them remember their inner wisdom, increase self-trust, and so much more! Join us to zone with soul and make the world a better place.

Estimated listening time: 10 minutes and music credit for our podcast intro and outro is Oleksii Kaplunskyi (Lesfm) on Pixabay, Forest Lullaby.


PS) In this episode and the WW video on YouTube, I mentioned an outstanding video sorceress. Follow Natacha Guyot, Ph.D., if you need video help! She's got a freebie that could be useful for you here.

Speaker A [00:00:08]:
Hey there. It's Virginia James with the Zone of Purpose podcast, and welcome to this encouraging space For women and for those who wanna show up and remember that their wisdom is within. Now I will say that it took me years to figure this out, but now I will never live my life the way I used to. The rat race, the go go go, that's Done for. We're moving on from that because all it gets us is burnout, stress, procrastination, overthinking, you name it. Now I zone with soul, and I'm going to help you do the same by remembering our wisdom is within and living and working from that. Let's get into it. I got some great feedback about last week's video that it was really helpful.

Speaker A [00:00:54]:
It made them think about how to deal with naysayers because we all have them in life. Right? But the one thing that they were craving or wanting more of were steps on how to approach this. Okay? So I will say that I came up with kind of like 3 different ideas. It's my language. You use whatever resonates for you and Take this in stride. That's the first thing I wanna say is, like, this little precursor. Take this in stride because there will always be naysayers in our lives. Right? They're always gonna be there, Whether they're quiet, whether they're within us, whether they're outside of us and extraordinarily loud.

Speaker A [00:01:35]:
So FYI on that front. Okay. So let's get into I've got a note here, actually on my coffee table. And so I will be looking down at that just to make sure I make you know, getting everything accurate for you. K. So the first thing I want to bring up is coming back to you. Now what does that mean, Virginia? Well, some folks, When they are feeling all the feels, probably potentially rage, disappointment, like, what the fuck? You know, all that kind of stuff. We're not stuffing it down into our toes.

Speaker A [00:02:09]:
Mm-mm. No. No. No. You know FSW, we're about feeling the feelings, releasing them, and then Filling our cup back up. Okay? With our light, our wisdom, whatever you want us to call it. So when I say come back to you as this first step, it's when We have negativity. We'll call it like that.

Speaker A [00:02:26]:
Shadowy stuff, whatever. Come our way, it feels icky. It doesn't feel good. Right? We also might Rage or react or be responsive, in varying ways. Okay. Some of us Lean in. Some of us for you know, like, come at at in a forward motion, others withdraw. Okay? So The reason why I say come back to you is because you know best.

Speaker A [00:02:50]:
You know really, really in your heart and your spirit what you need to do To tend and befriend, we'll say, yourself when something like this comes your way. So some do it. I do it personally in breath work. Might take 20 minutes to get there, but that's how I like it. I also meditate. I garden. I ground myself when there's not heavy machinery outside, etcetera. And so some might pooh pooh this, be like, oh, just self care.

Speaker A [00:03:18]:
Call it whatever you want, But really, you find whatever roots you. K? Think of this as rooting back into yourself. Because when these things come our way, it can feel like, you know, you're a tree in the wind just moving along and feeling tossed about. Root yourself. K. Alright. Number 2. This is related to this.

Speaker A [00:03:40]:
So when you're seeing red, so to speak, you're raging, maybe you're disappointed, feeling All this kind of stuff. Your goal or your journey is just being, like, harpooned or, you feel like this kind of hedgehog vibe. Alright. Contemplate and reflect on why you're feeling this way, why you're feeling kind of defensive, why you're taking it personally. And, again, I'm not dismissing that because we all do it in the conditioning that we have in this world. But really, I just want to say very specifically, Sit and reflect with this. Why are we taking it personally? And very specifically go, is it the subject that I'm kinda like Taking their their, naysaying when I'm taking that person, I'm trying to articulate this. Like, for example, The naysayer that was in my life recently, it was initially, it seemed to be about my business, my work.

Speaker A [00:04:36]:
Right? What we're literally doing here. But, really, when I dug into that, after coming back to myself after rerouting, I went, That's not what this is about. Mm-mm. Nope. Never has been. Really. It's about other shit. K? That I can't control because they're gonna do what they're gonna do.

Speaker A [00:04:56]:
And, so when I ask you, is this about the subject itself that you're getting barbers like, they're They're, almost said something, but, like you know what I mean? Like, they're fucking, like, you know, Dampening my spirit about my dream, my job, my relationship, whatever, you know, whatever you have, me being independent, etcetera. So is it the subject or is this a history, maybe your own history, of feeling not worthy in what you do? Or maybe it's their history and how they nay say just in general. K. Does that make sense? Does that make sense? And these these things will be in the notes, so you can either comment if you need some clarification Or practice this because this is a lifelong journey. And then finally, I wanna, like, ask just plant this seed. When you feel like somebody is essentially dissing your journey, your goal, your objective, your moment, your Wisdom all of this. The question I have for you is, Is this precious to you? Is this what you need to do For your own evolution. And I don't mean intellectually.

Speaker A [00:06:11]:
I mean, like, in your bones, in your soul, in your intuition. Is this thing that they're dissing, so to big or shading. Is this precious to you? K? If it's like, meh, We'll find out, you know, then then experience it. See what happens. Right? And I know there's a privilege with that. But really, if this thing is so precious to you or things, Plural. If this is so precious to you, treat it that way in 2 parts. 1, tend it like A puppy, a chick we have, you know, animals.

Speaker A [00:06:47]:
So, like, you know, a little chick, a duckling, gosling, whatever. Tend it like a garden. Tend it. Tend it and befriend it, actually. Learn more about this. K? I'm here for you if you need help with that. But, really, at the end of the day, it's about Tending your journey, tending your process, tending your goal and objective even when all they have like I said before, all they have the courage to do is nay say and not do their own journey or their own evolution. Alright.

Speaker A [00:07:15]:
So we're having some phone trouble. I need new equipment at some point, And I know who to talk to. Natasha, I'm gonna chitchat with you soon when you see this video. Okay. Let's wrap up 0.3 before something happens again. So I was talking about tending your process project goal objective all of that, but one thing we need to do when we do that is we need to protect the hell out of it. So that looks like boundaries. That looks like not hanging out with these folks anymore.

Speaker A [00:07:43]:
And it also looks like if you can help that because I know Sometimes we can't always just push people aside for varying reasons, but the biggest thing I would say is find your people. Like, I got your back. You got a dream in mind. You wanna be your own boss. You wanna do your own thing. You wanna be independent. I got you. Oh, do I got you? Mhmm.

Speaker A [00:08:07]:
I'm doing the wave over here because this matters. This matters. Your calling, your purpose, your your vision, your fulfillment, all of those big words, that matters. K? So naysayers think they don't they don't have anything on you. K? Find your people. Find your community that says I have your back when they don't. I will always be here for the ups and the downs because they're gonna happen as we figure this out together. But Think of this.

Speaker A [00:08:38]:
Tend it. Protect the hell out of it. K? Now I'm gonna wrap this up. You know where to find me. Feminine sage wisdom. Com. If you need anything, comment below if this resonates or if you have other questions like the other viewer did. And it made me, it gave me a chance to articulate Little bit further what I do personally, but also some ideas that you can apply in your world.

Speaker A [00:09:00]:
K? Alright. I hope you have a great week ahead, and Let's end this before something crashes. Okay? Alright. I'll talk to you later. Cheers. How did that episode resonate for you? It always feels good to share these stories and these pieces of wisdom with you. And, frankly, y'all teach me something new every day. So if that resonated, if it struck your soul or your heart, leave a comment below.

Speaker A [00:09:26]:
Let us know what you loved about it. Also, share it with a buddy, a friend, a fellow woman in your world. We need to continue to build this ripple effect for individual and collective good. That's what we're really about here too and sharing the wisdom. Now if you are feeling like you want to get to know us better, go to feminine sage .com. And thank you again for listening to this episode. I'll chat with you soon.

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