Sometimes Our Breakthroughs are at a Vulnerable, but Pivotal, Moment
The Soul Business Show™
Feminine Sage Wisdom | Rating 0 (0) (0) |
www.femininesagewisdom.com | Launched: Oct 05, 2022 |
theteam@femininesagewisdom.com | Season: Episode: 2 |
Hey, fellow women, this is a quick solo show!
Oh, Vulnerability......... You (bleep).
Actually, it's just a feeling and even while we process it, let's take the opportunity to break through our hedging and "I'm not sure I can do this!" moments. Take a listen for inspiration and support, and know that you're not the only one who hedges before taking next steps!
**If you want to learn more about my program and to get into the Fall Cohort before the 10/14 deadline, click here to check out the Zone of Purpose™ Blueprint to see if it's right for you and to book a call!
**FREE Bonus: If you'd like to start to prioritize you while busy or wanting to pivot, get this Priority Pack today by clicking here!
Listen time: 7 minutes, a lil' refresher and reboot!
Episode Chapters

Hey, fellow women, this is a quick solo show!
Oh, Vulnerability......... You (bleep).
Actually, it's just a feeling and even while we process it, let's take the opportunity to break through our hedging and "I'm not sure I can do this!" moments. Take a listen for inspiration and support, and know that you're not the only one who hedges before taking next steps!
**If you want to learn more about my program and to get into the Fall Cohort before the 10/14 deadline, click here to check out the Zone of Purpose™ Blueprint to see if it's right for you and to book a call!
**FREE Bonus: If you'd like to start to prioritize you while busy or wanting to pivot, get this Priority Pack today by clicking here!
Listen time: 7 minutes, a lil' refresher and reboot!